How to Get Others to Take Care of Your Content Marketing for You

Content marketing has an almost mystical element to the way it gives back after taking so much away. It will seem at times that your investment in content marketing is going to waste, while the snowball is rolling down the hill picking up speed and snow. One of the signs that you will start to see returns on your content marketing strategy is that other people are doing the talking for you. Well, there are ways to get to that stage sooner, and here are some of them.

Start Accepting Guest Posts

Guest posts are great for building traffic to you website, but you should also be careful to set some ground rules. You don’t want to have contributions that are sub-par or only mildly related to your website. The fact of the matter is that poor quality guest posts are way worse than no guest posts. So make sure that you accept guest posts that are related to the content on your website. You should also look for guest posts that have some depth or some novelty to them, and they should also provide useful information to your users.

Become a Curator

Being a curator means hosting content on your site that is not made by you. This refers to strictly visual content, so we’re talking about videos and images here, but these videos and images have a very powerful sharing potential. If you can get cute, fun things on your Facebook page or website, things that people will be compelled to share, you will grow your audience exponentially. Try to look for hidden gems in the recesses of the internet, though new images and memes might work as well.

Give Power to the People

If you can engage your users and have them talking about your brand or products, you can harness the power of social media for yourself. You can do this with contests, such as image macro or video contests. Forums are also an amazing place for user interaction. Make sure you ask questions in your articles, and don’t forget to make the whole process easy to use for everybody. This is a very powerful endeavor, but with great power comes great responsibility, so you have to make sure that you stay on top of moderation, so that things don’t get out of hand.